
Posts Tagged ‘blow up monster’

Dakota Double, originally uploaded by claygrl.

One of the many things I love about NY is the Sunday flea markets scattered about. I think we hit about four of them altogether. Mind you the one vendor that I was searching for who sells 1950’s prison mug shots was away on vacation (go figure). Oh well. Maybe I can con somebody (get it? con somebody? NO? jeez) to take a wander down some Sunday and pick me up one or two in an underground parking lot (I must look it up again) that doubles as a market on the weekends.

So this fun and somewhat wacky double exposure turned out rather better than I expected. I had completely forgotten what I had taken a photo of before #12 and knew not to rewind the film before squeezing off another shot. Somebody made the reference to Rosemary’s Baby, I think she was right on the money! A glorious blue sky tops the Dakota on 72nd Street with subtle light leaks. Kissing my little friend Holga again for that sweet surprise!

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